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Composition : Arsenic Alb, Berberis Aqf, Calc Carb, Graphitis,Hydrocotyle, Natrum Mur.
Dosage : 10-20 drops 3-4 times a day.
Indications: For relief of Psoriasis ,Itching,Skin rough crack, Eczema,Psoriatic Arthritis.
(0 Reviews)
Composition : Crataegus 1x, Cactus 1x, Strophanthus 1x, Adonis 1x, Convallaria 1x.
Dosage : 5 to 10 drops in little water 3-4 times aday, inacute stage may be repeated at 10 minutes interval.
Disease : LOW BP
Symptoms : Paroxysmal Pericardial pain which radiates towards neck and left shoulder, sense of choking, strangling and heaviness, marked sweating, exertional dyspnoea, palpitation, may be shock. B.P. Low Hypotensive symptoms, inclusive of orthostatic circulation. Vaso and cardiotonic, circulation trouble from nicotine abuse. Crustaceous and calcareous deposits in arteries (Atherosclerosis).
(0 Reviews)
Composition : J. Ashoka 1x, Helonias 1x, Xanthoxylum 1x, Viburnum opulus 1x.
Dosage : 5 to10 drops three times a day in little water.
Disease : Uterine complaints and menstrual disorders
Symptoms : Ashok is a boon to women. It relieves all the uterine complaints and menstrual disorders, Leucorrhoea ofall types, painful and irregular menses.
(0 Reviews)
Composition : Crataegus Oxyacantha 1x, Amyl Nitrosum 3x, Terminalia Arjuna 1x, Kali Phosphoricum 3x, Aurum Muriaticum 3x.
Dosage : 10 to 20 drops in some water 3-4 times a day according to graveness. In acute affections every 1/4 to 1/2 hour until improvement sets in.
Disease : Functional and organic disease of the heart
Symptoms : Cardiac Neurosis, Dyspnoea, Hypotonia, Dys- function of Blood Circulation, Angina, Palpitation with sensation as if sinking heart.
(0 Reviews)
Composition : Phosphorus 3x, Calcarea carb 3x, Thuja 3x, Phytolacca 2x.
Dosage : Adulsts 20-30 Drops, Obese children 10-15 Drops in ½ cup water twice daily before meals.
Symptoms : Fatoline Drops helps to loose the excess fats from Bumps & Dumps. Obese have BMI greater than 30. Sedentary life style with rich diet, fast food, excessive consumption, metabolic disorders results in extra fats deposition. This can be managed by - Exercise, 5-40 min sessions per week - Healthy eating encluding 5 portions of Fruits and vegatable a day with max. 1000 calories Fatoline Drops - along with exercise acts on CNS to monitor activity of hypothalamus.. Thus Liver and Gall Bladder to act on Fat Metabolism to dissolve the fats & Lipids stored in the body without producing weakness.
(0 Reviews)
Composition : Ginseng 1x, Withania Somnifera 1x, Damiana 1x, Agnus Castus 1x, Terminalia Arjuna 1x
Dosage : 20 to 30 Drops twice daily. May feel dynamic changes just after 7 days. One Course : 3 to 4 Bottle
Disease : Sexual Neurasthenia
Symptoms : Gensoleng 'XXX' Vigour tonic for men. Useful in the treatment of sexual neurasthenia specially for men having poor libido, pre-mature ejaculation, poor excitation, organs cold and relaxed, poor erection with early discharge, Gleet on little excitement sexual debility from nervous prostration, Premature old age from abuse of sexual power, masturbation.
(0 Reviews)
Composition : Crataegus Ox 3x, Cactus G. 3x, Kali Phos 3x, Valeriana 3x, Aurum Mur 3x.
Dosage : 10 drops in one table spoon water thrice a day, in acute affections at every 1/2 to 1 hourly.
Disease : Heart tonic
Symptoms : Heart tonic to tone the heart muscles organic and functional affections of the heart. Cardiac neurosis, Nervous pertubations, cardiac arrythmias,Tachycardia, extra Systoles, Angina pectoris, Band like compresion on chest. Coronary insufficiencies, strong pulse, palpitation, vegetative dystonia.
(0 Reviews)
Composition : Arsenicum Album, Calcarea Carbonica, Cinnabaris, Kali Bichromicum, Mercurius Solubilis, Pulsatilla Nigricans, Sepia, Sulphur.
Dosage : 10 to 20 drops in little water 3-4 times a day or as prescribed by the physician.
Disease : sinusitis
Symptoms : Sinusitis, Headache, blocked sensation in the nose, heaviness and pain in the facial bones, Nasal congestion, Running nose.
(0 Reviews)
Composition : Aconitum Napallus 1x, Gelsemium Sempervirens 1x, Spongia Tosta 1x, Camphora 3x, Justicia Adhatoda 1x.
Dosage : 5 to 10 drops 3-4 times daily mixed in little water. In Acute Cough 10 to 15 drops with little lukewarm water to be repeated 1/2 to 1 hourly, then 4 to 6 times a day.
Disease : Cough
Symptoms : Cattarrhal affections of the upper respiratory tract, Rhinorrhoea with Acute Laryngopharyngitis, Dry mucosa, Hollow barking or whistling Cough with Wheezing. An effective cough seda- tive Drops to relieve the Smoker’s Cough and bout of Cough in- stantly.
(0 Reviews)
Composition : Avena Sat 1x, Coffea 3x, Ignatia 3x, Zincum Met 3x, Valeriana 3x.
Dosage : 10 to 20 drops twice daily or as prescribed by the Physician.
Symptoms : Tension, Depression, Insomnia and various disturbances of sleep, drowsiness in the morning, weariness during the day and vivacity in the evening, nervous, restlessness, and over excitement of the nervous system. Neurasthenia, consequences of mental conflicts of long duration, Nervous Breakdown.
(0 Reviews)
Composition : Pinus 1x, Gossypium 1x, Sabina 1x, Caulophyllum 1x.
Dosage : 15 drops in a tablespoon water 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician.
Symptoms : Amenorrhoea, Stopped, scanty and retarded menses due to nervousness, Functional or as a result of organic cause, dysmenorrhoea, Incomplete abortion, False Pregnancy.
(0 Reviews)
Composition : Cina 3x, Teucrium M.V. 3x, Filix mas 3x, Sabadilla 3x.
Dosage : 10 to 20 drops at bed time for 3-4 weeks. In chronic cases daily one dose for a long period will prevent worm infestation.
Disease : Worms
Symptoms : Worms of all types, ascarises and oxyures. subventional remedy in specific mortification process, strengthens the intestinal mucosa against the lodging of worm ovas.