Bestsellers in Diseases
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Composition : Phenolphthalein 1x,senna 1x,Sulphur 1x
Dosage : 1/2 to 1 Caplet with lukewarm water at bed time or as prescribed by the Physician.
Symptoms : It is useful in case where no desire for stool at all for days, Useful in traveller constipation, Useful in constipation which can lead to piles & fissures of anus.
(0 Reviews)
Composition : Acidum Chryphanicum Q HPI 15% v/w, Petroleum jelly base
Quantity Specification: Quick Absorption, Deep penetration, Non-staining, Easily washable.
Indications : It is a Antifungal Gel usefull in fungal nails, groying infection. For ringworm, psoriasis patches and itching eczema with thick crust.
(0 Reviews)
Composition : Aesculus hip 3x, Cal Flour 3x, Lycopodium 3x, Nux Vom 3x, Paeonia off 3x, Sulphur 3x, Vipera 6x, Blumia Od 3x, Graphites 3x.
Dosage : 5 to 10 drops, 3 to 4 times daily in little water.
Symptoms : Piles, itching, pain. Anal fissures, prolapsus, Varicosis and Varicose ailments, inflammation of veins. Varicose eczema, Anal eczema.
(0 Reviews)
Composition : Alfalfa 1x, Avena Sat 1x, Cinchona 1x, Hydrastis 1x, Andrographis Paniculata 1x, Cina 1x, Nux Vomica 1x Chelidonium 1x, Chamomilla 1x, Carica Papaya 1x, Ferrummet 6x and Leptandra 1x, Kali Phos 3x, Calc Phos 3x, Nat. Phos 3x, Mag Phos 3x, Ferr. Phos 3x, Glucose in Palatable Syrup Base.
Dosage : 1/2 teaspoonful twice daily in milk, one teaspoonful to children above five years in fruit juice or water.
Symptoms : Baby Tone up is the best Homoeopathic tonic for infants and children. Specially indicated in poor mental and physical growth, delayed ossification of the long and cranial bones, Rickets. Osteomalasia, late denition, Marasmus, Sluggish liver function, Diarrohea, Vitamins deficiency and worms. Stimulates growth, improves appetite, digestion and metabolism.
(0 Reviews)
Composition : Pilocarpus Q, Arnica Montana Q, Cinchona Off Q, Cantharis Q, Callendula Off Q, Seasamum Indicum (as Excipient).
Dosage : A concentrated Jaborand Hair Lotion to be Applied on the affected areas by putting few drops and gentle rub with the finger tips.
Disease : Prevents hair falling, dandruff and premature whitening of hair
Symptoms : Dandruff, Falling of hair, Baldness & Alopecia, Premature whitening of hair.
₹125.00 – ₹300.00(0 Reviews)
Composition : Phosphoricum Acidum 1x, Calcium Phosphoricum 1x, Natrum Phosphate 1x, Potassium Phosphate 1x, Iron Phosphate 1x, Magnesium Phosphate 3x, Aurum met 3x, Ferrum met 3x, Strych Phos 3x, Cinchona 1x, Avena Sat 1x, Riboflavin 3x Anacardium Orientatlis 1x,
Dosage : Adults :2 teaspoonful twice or thrice daily in water before meals, Children : according to age as prescribed by the Physician.
Disease : Nervous exhaustion, depression, Loss of memory, Brainfag, Fatigueness, Sleeplessness, Subclinical Vitamin deficiency, Deformity and exostosis of bones. Macrocytic and Pernicious Anaemia, laziness, debility, loss of appetite, Dyspepsia, Flatulence, constipation.
Symptoms : A palatable Tonic for Nervous exhaustion, depression, Loss of memory, Brainfag, Fatigueness, Sleeplessness, Subclinical Vitamin deficiency, Deformity and exostosis of bones. Macrocytic and Pernicious Anaemia, laziness, debility, loss of appetite, Dyspepsia, Flatulence, constipation.
₹125.00 – ₹300.00
₹100.00 – ₹255.00(0 Reviews)
Composition : Nux Vomica 1x, Cinchonaofficinallis 1x, Hydrastis Can 1x, Carbo vegetabilis 3x, Zingiber Off 1x, Natrum Carb 1x, Ocimum Sanctum 1x, Lycopodium 1x, Allium Sativum 1x, Mentha Piperita 1x
Dosage : 1 to 2 tablespoonful after meals twice or thrice daily.
Disease : Indigestion, stomach disorders, sour eructations, Flatulence, Acidity, Constipation, burning in chest and stomach
Symptoms : Indigestion, stomach disorders, sour eructations, Flatulence, Acidity, Constipation, burning in chest and stomach, Chronic tendency of irregular Bowel movements, Distension of abdomen even after eating a little Food, Loss of appetite with apathy to Food, Loud-Rumbling Belching with Acidic Water in mouth.
₹100.00 – ₹255.00
Showing 1–12 of 142 results
₹110.00 – ₹280.00(0 Reviews)
Composition : Nux Vomica 1x, Cinchonaofficinallis 1x, Hydrastis Can 1x, Carbo vegetabilis 3x, Zingiber Off 1x, Natrum Carb 1x, Ocimum Sanctum 1x, Lycopodium 1x, Allium Sativum 1x, Mentha Piperita 1x in sugar free base.
Dosage : 1 to 2 tablespoonful after meals twice or thrice daily.
Disease : Indigestion, stomach disorders, sour eructations, Flatulence, Acidity, Constipation, burning in chest and stomach
Symptoms : A Palatable sugar free tonic for Indigestion,stomach disorders, sour eructations, Flatulence, Acidity, Constipation, burning in chest and stomach, Chronic tendency of irregular Bowel movements, Distension of abdomen even after eating a little Food, Loss of appetite with apathy to Food, Loud-Rumbling Belching with Acidic Water in mouth.
₹110.00 – ₹280.00
₹125.00 – ₹300.00(0 Reviews)
Composition : Phosphoricum Acidum 1x, Calcium Phosphoricum 1x, Natrum Phosphate 1x, Potassium Phosphate 1x, Iron Phosphate 1x, Magnesium Phosphate 3x, Aurum met 3x, Ferrum met 3x, Strych Phos 3x, Cinchona 1x, Avena Sat 1x, Riboflavin 3x Anacardium Orientatlis 1x,
Dosage : Adults :2 teaspoonful twice or thrice daily in water before meals, Children : according to age as prescribed by the Physician.
Disease : Nervous exhaustion, depression, Loss of memory, Brainfag, Fatigueness, Sleeplessness, Subclinical Vitamin deficiency, Deformity and exostosis of bones. Macrocytic and Pernicious Anaemia, laziness, debility, loss of appetite, Dyspepsia, Flatulence, constipation.
Symptoms : A palatable Tonic for Nervous exhaustion, depression, Loss of memory, Brainfag, Fatigueness, Sleeplessness, Subclinical Vitamin deficiency, Deformity and exostosis of bones. Macrocytic and Pernicious Anaemia, laziness, debility, loss of appetite, Dyspepsia, Flatulence, constipation.
₹125.00 – ₹300.00
(0 Reviews)
Composition : Jaborandi, Arnica Montana, Cantharis, Cinchona Officinalis, Calendula Officinalis
Dosage : Apply adequate quantity of JABORAND BLACK on the head, massage gently for 5-10 minutes once in a day or as prescribed by the physician.
Disease : Prevents premature whitening, falling of hairs, hairs tangled & dryness of Scalp.
Symptoms : Premature whitening and falling of hairs from roots, hairs tangled, Comes out on combing, Dryness of Scalp, Skin dry and Parched with scales, dandruff.
(0 Reviews)
Composition : Arsenic Alb, Berberis Aqf, Calc Carb, Graphitis,Hydrocotyle, Natrum Mur.
Dosage : 10-20 drops 3-4 times a day.
Indications: For relief of Psoriasis ,Itching,Skin rough crack, Eczema,Psoriatic Arthritis.
(0 Reviews)
Composition : Acidum Chryphanicum Q HPI 15% v/w, Petroleum jelly base
Quantity Specification: Quick Absorption, Deep penetration, Non-staining, Easily washable.
Indications : It is a Antifungal Gel usefull in fungal nails, groying infection. For ringworm, psoriasis patches and itching eczema with thick crust.
(0 Reviews)
Composition: Echinacea 1x, Allium Cepa, Thuja 3x, Pulsatilla 3x, Pothos Foetida 3x, Histamine Hyd 3x, Ambrosia A 3x, Ferrum Phos 3x, Sabadilla 3x
Dosage: 1 caplet daily but in acute condition twice a day or as prescribed by the Physician.
Disease: Allergy
Benefits: Reduces hypersecretion from nasal mucosa and controls allergic rhinitis, sneezing, lachrymation redness, frontal headache, skin eruption due to sun exposure & dust pollution and all type of allergic troubles.
(0 Reviews)
Composition : Atropine Sulph 3x,Hepar Sulph 3x,Kali Bich 3x,Silicea 2x,Merc Iod Rub 3x
Dosage : 1 Caplet daily. In acute condition twice a day or as prescribed by the Physician.
Symptoms : Inflammation of Tonsils, Pain in throat, difficulty in deglutition, Sore Throat , Offensive discharge of Mouth, Nasal Adenoids Growth, Nasal Blockage, Tendency Fever, Malaise
(0 Reviews)
Composition : Crataegus 1x, Cactus 1x, Strophanthus 1x, Adonis 1x, Convallaria 1x.
Dosage : 5 to 10 drops in little water 3-4 times aday, inacute stage may be repeated at 10 minutes interval.
Disease : LOW BP
Symptoms : Paroxysmal Pericardial pain which radiates towards neck and left shoulder, sense of choking, strangling and heaviness, marked sweating, exertional dyspnoea, palpitation, may be shock. B.P. Low Hypotensive symptoms, inclusive of orthostatic circulation. Vaso and cardiotonic, circulation trouble from nicotine abuse. Crustaceous and calcareous deposits in arteries (Atherosclerosis).
₹115.00 – ₹300.00(0 Reviews)
Ingredients : Haslab Arnica Hair vitaliser contains Jaborandi, Arnica Montana, bhringraj, cantharis, hydrocotyle asiatica.
Haslab Arnica Hair vitaliser application: 1 to 2ml Haslab Arnica Hair vitaliser to be applied to the hair roots before bath or at bed time, massage gently for 5 to 10 minutes with fingers using, gentle pressure on the scalp for adequate blood circulation to the hair roots. For external use only.
Disease : Haslab Arnica Hair vitaliser is a non greasy, non staining homeopathic hair tonic indicated for dry scalp, dandruff, split hair, premature greyness, falling of hair and Baldness.
How It Works : Haslab Arnica Hair Vitaliser is a non sticky- non greasy-Non staining homoeopathic Hair Tonic for external use to strengthen and enrich each hair shafts to the tips and give nourishment to the hair bulbs to stimulate the hair growth and prevent premature whitening and falling of hairs.
Your hair look and feel so much healthier than before. Long, thick black, lustrous, actually sheen of youthful vigour.
₹115.00 – ₹300.00
(0 Reviews)
Composition : J. Ashoka 1x, Helonias 1x, Xanthoxylum 1x, Viburnum opulus 1x.
Dosage : 5 to10 drops three times a day in little water.
Disease : Uterine complaints and menstrual disorders
Symptoms : Ashok is a boon to women. It relieves all the uterine complaints and menstrual disorders, Leucorrhoea ofall types, painful and irregular menses.
₹100.00 – ₹250.00(0 Reviews)
Composition : J. Ashok 1x, Helonias 1x, Xanthoxylum- F 1x, Viburnum OP 1x.
Dosage : Two teaspoonful with water twice daily before meals.
Disease : All Uterine Complaints
Symptoms : Ashoka is a boon to women, General restorative tonic, Useful in Uterine Ailments. Menstrual disorders, Leucorrhoea. Menses too early & too profuse, Flow passive, Dark Clotten Offensive, Uterine atony, Bad effects of Abortions & Miscarriages.
₹100.00 – ₹250.00
(0 Reviews)
Composition : Alfalfa 1x, Avena Sat 1x, Cinchona 1x, Hydrastis 1x, Andrographis Paniculata 1x, Cina 1x, Nux Vomica 1x Chelidonium 1x, Chamomilla 1x, Carica Papaya 1x, Ferrummet 6x and Leptandra 1x, Kali Phos 3x, Calc Phos 3x, Nat. Phos 3x, Mag Phos 3x, Ferr. Phos 3x, Glucose in Palatable Syrup Base.
Dosage : 1/2 teaspoonful twice daily in milk, one teaspoonful to children above five years in fruit juice or water.
Symptoms : Baby Tone up is the best Homoeopathic tonic for infants and children. Specially indicated in poor mental and physical growth, delayed ossification of the long and cranial bones, Rickets. Osteomalasia, late denition, Marasmus, Sluggish liver function, Diarrohea, Vitamins deficiency and worms. Stimulates growth, improves appetite, digestion and metabolism.